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Uppe-t Project main objectives

Empowering European Citizens on Plastic Recycling and Upcycling: the case of upPE-T

In a world where environmental consciousness is on the rise, the need for sustainable living practices cannot be overstated. In Europe, the importance of recycling and upcycling plastic materials has gained considerable attention in recent years. A new platform is taking the lead in creating awareness amongst European citizens about plastic recycling and upcycling to improve their knowledge and behaviour towards packaging recycling. The upPE-T project set up an initiative to change the way Europeans perceive and engage with plastic waste.

A platform to empower citizens in plastics recycling

The primary objective of the European Citizens’ Awareness Platform (ECAP) is to raise awareness and educate European citizens about the significance of plastic recycling and upcycling. By offering resources and information, they aim to empower individuals to make informed choices regarding their consumption and disposal of plastic materials. The ultimate goal is to reduce the environmental impact of plastic waste and promote sustainable practices.

Key Features: a discussion forum and a MOOC platform

The main features of ECAP are a discussion forum and a MOOC platform. If citizens have specific questions or seek further guidance regarding plastic recycling or upcycling, they can actively engage with the upPE-T project experts in a discussion forum. It provides a space for individuals to post their inquiries and receive expert answers from the dedicated Scientific Team.

If the citizens want to deepen their knowledge of plastics, they can enrol in the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), which includes a range of instructional materials. This course covers various aspects of plastic recycling and upcycling, including videos and texts, prepared by the experts of two upPE-T partners, Unione Nazionale Consumatori Umbria and the Institute for Development and Innovation. The MOOC is available in eight languages (English, Italian, Spanish, Serbian, Finnish, German, Greek, and Turkish), making it accessible to a wide audience. This inclusivity allows individuals to learn in their preferred language, ensuring that the information reaches as many Europeans as possible.

Immersive content delivery

The upPE-T project brings further novelty to citizen awareness development through immersive reality. Digiotouch, another upPE-T partner, has spearheaded efforts to record six industrial R&D processes in 360-degree immersive videos which have been packaged into an open-access mobile app. It empowers citizens who become aware of industrial processes by viewing them through realistic, immersive, and safe mediums. The app is available for Android devices and iPhone users can download 360-degree videos from the upPE-T website. 

Changing Behaviour and Attitudes towards plastic

One of the core objectives of this platform and the mobile app is to improve citizens' behaviour and attitudes towards drink and food packaging. By enhancing their understanding of the recycling and upcycling processes, the platform aims to foster a sense of responsibility and engagement. As individuals become more aware of the consequences of their choices, they are likely to make more sustainable decisions regarding their purchasing and disposal of plastic materials.

Get involved!

Visit the ECAP platform and the MOOC to start learning more about plastics recycling and upcycling and how you can become part of the solution to plastic waste.

Android app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.


upPE-T - sUstainable PLastIcs for the Food and drink packaging indusTry

The upPE-T project will develop, through sustainable strategies, an alternative for plastic chemical degradation,  turning PE and PET waste streams via enzymatic degradation and bioprocesses into raw material to produce biodegradable bioplastics. Finally, together with customers and food and drink /pand owners, bio-based end-packaging will be demonstrated and validated to ensure fast market deployment.

upPE-T has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 953214.



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